Sunday, January 30, 2011

China and Sweet & Sour Chicken


Shi (yes), I am back with more China trip news! A girl on the GE Facebook page posted a prayer card her sister had designed for her, and made it known that her sister was willing to do the same for other needy missionaries! The best part- she would do it completely free! And she did! And it looks pretty! And I'm excited about it! We're going to get them printed up this week, and I can't wait. See, here it is (with my last name removed for the purposes of privacy):

On to the sweet-and-sour chicken. I made some in our crockpot today. And despite the fact that I put too much red pepper on the chicken, it was delicious...if I do say so myself. And I do! :P It was excellently good, even in leftover form, which is how I'm eating it right now. Mmmm, scrumptious goodness!

So yeah. Envy me my sweet-and-sour chicken. But not too much. Because covetousness is a sin. And maybe spread the word of my trip, and of my needs! Because I need a lot! :D


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