My Tumblr dashboard has been blowing up this morning with gifs of the trailer.
Am I upset?
Not at all.
In fact, I've quite enthusiastically jumped into the reposting craze because, after all, it's Tolkien. How can I not love it?
I never got to see Lord of the Rings in theaters. So getting to see The Hobbit in theaters will be epic. I absolutely cannot wait. Sadly, I must wait--for a year. (On the good side, I will get to see The Hunger Games, Brave, a new season of Sherlock, the beginning of a new series of Doctor Who, and The Avengers between now and then. Somehow, I shall survive.) I've also decided that I want to go to the midnight premiere, which of course means that I must make some effort to look pretty, right?
And what better way to do that than to dress up like an Elf? Hopefully I'll be able to purchase the needed clothing before next December.
But don't worry. My entire existence is not currently centered around Lord of the Rings. I don't think, anyway. There are bits of it that are not tied to the amazingness that is Middle Earth. Part of those bits involve Christmas! It is, of course, quickly approaching, and my siblings have really gotten into the giving spirit this year--which is perfectly alright, because I'm broke.
That's a very small picture of our "Christmas tree". And my sister's knees. And the presents surrounding our tree. The tree is made of cardboard, in case you were wondering. Yeah. Told you we were cheap.
That's a very small picture of our "Christmas tree". And my sister's knees. And the presents surrounding our tree. The tree is made of cardboard, in case you were wondering. Yeah. Told you we were cheap.
Basically, there are 50 presents under that tree already, and our parents haven't done any shopping (and don't tell anybody, but I've not finished mine, either. Yeah, it's gonna be a long week).
So yes. That's what's going on in my life. Fangirling and Christmas preparations. Just a regular day in the life of me.
~Liberty (紫涵)
~Liberty (紫涵)