Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Hobbit and Christmas

So for those of you who are not so hopelessly fangirlish as I, last night the trailer for The Hobbit came out. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're not as fangirlish as me. But still.

My Tumblr dashboard has been blowing up this morning with gifs of the trailer.

Am I upset?

Not at all.

In fact, I've quite enthusiastically jumped into the reposting craze because, after all, it's Tolkien. How can I not love it?

I never got to see Lord of the Rings in theaters. So getting to see The Hobbit in theaters will be epic. I absolutely cannot wait. Sadly, I must wait--for a year. (On the good side, I will get to see The Hunger Games, Brave, a new season of Sherlock, the beginning of a new series of Doctor Who, and The Avengers between now and then. Somehow, I shall survive.) I've also decided that I want to go to the midnight premiere, which of course means that I must make some effort to look pretty, right?

And what better way to do that than to dress up like an Elf? Hopefully I'll be able to purchase the needed clothing before next December.

But don't worry. My entire existence is not currently centered around Lord of the Rings. I don't think, anyway. There are bits of it that are not tied to the amazingness that is Middle Earth. Part of those bits involve Christmas! It is, of course, quickly approaching, and my siblings have really gotten into the giving spirit this year--which is perfectly alright, because I'm broke.

That's a very small picture of our "Christmas tree". And my sister's knees. And the presents surrounding our tree. The tree is made of cardboard, in case you were wondering. Yeah. Told you we were cheap.

Basically, there are 50 presents under that tree already, and our parents haven't done any shopping (and don't tell anybody, but I've not finished mine, either. Yeah, it's gonna be a long week).

So yes. That's what's going on in my life. Fangirling and Christmas preparations. Just a regular day in the life of me.

~Liberty (紫涵)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


With the rewrite of Valiant.

Now I just have to edit.


I ended up with nearly 67,000 words, over 10,000 words more than the original. 280 pages, formatted for, is how many it took to retell this story. I'm really happy about it.

And, if everything goes as planned, in July you should be able to buy it on Amazon!

~Liberty (紫涵)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I order you to go read this blog

Nothing in me wants to get a mediocre job
and work 9-5 and go home and crash because I'm exhausted.
I want to crash because I'm exhausted from fighting for the oppressed.
fighting for those who have no hope, no reason to exist.
fighting for those who are so fragile that they need my protection.
fighting for those who rarely receive positive human affection,
who are begging for my embrace.
fighting for those who are physically and spiritually starving.
fighting for those who would sleep at the dump if I didn't pull them under my roof.
I never thought I'd say this but I want to be a soccer mom.
Not the typical American one...
but the type that has so many kids that I can't remember who goes where when and
every morning packs unrighteous amounts of rice into lunch kits.
That has kids under her roof from all walks of life
all different experiences
but come together as one.
The idea makes my heart race because I finally have a passion that is outside of myself.
It pumps me up.
I know I must plan and prepare for this.. but:
but what am I supposed to do in the meantime?
There's only so many coffee shops I can take up residency at
and so many janky thrift shops I can buy out.
What good does that do me in the long run.
Seriously. Go to this blog and just read. She just got home from the World Race, and she will challenge you. (Give it up. is an incredibly fantastic read. Made me cry. Go read it naow.)

~Liberty (紫涵)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Post-NaNo Thoughts

Well, NaNoWrimo is finally over. Final word count was 74,000, a number that has increased to over 79,000 in the days since NaNo ended. I got a bit excited yesterday about my story. ^.^

I'm putting True on hold for a few weeks so I can wrap up Valiant. I'm currently building up to my big battle in that story, and since I'm going to be getting five free copies of a novel, I figure it might as well be Valiant. Who knows, maybe eventually, Valiant will be up for sale on Amazon!

Anyway. NaNoWriMo this year involved all the usual emotions: optimistic excitement, hope, absolute despair at my rubbish writing, second-guesses about my topic and plot (which isn't very original, it must be said), and then the frantic hurrying that always typifies NaNo. I didn't finish my novel, far from it; I'm pretty sure I have at least another 70k, and possibly even more after that because I'm not at all sure how I want to end--or when. Should be interesting. -.-

Next year, I'm going to be sure that I have a better plan. Or something.

~Liberty (紫涵)