Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aspirations for 2012

It still feels odd to type 2012.
This is the year the world will end.
Apparently we're all supposed to die.
Know what I say to that?
Watch my God, you cowards.

2011 was an amazing year. I went to China, something I'd wanted to do for so long. Christmas was amazing. God taught me so many radical, unbelievable things. He gave me what I still believe are miracles. Yes, there have been things that have been hard--things I felt were impossible to get over at the time. But here I am, still safe, because God is faithful. Such is life.

My track-record with resolutions is notoriously bad. Last year I aimed to read 52 nonfiction books. I ended up reading 52 books total, but in my defense, some of them--like Les Miserables and Creature from Jekyll Island--were very long. Not my fault that people write crazy-long books.

However, that bad track record isn't going to keep me from making a list of my aspirations and goals for 2012. Because I do have some.

To raise all the money for, and go to, Romania. I feel as if God is going to do something great. Not only do I firmly believe that God revealed this trip to me before I even knew I was going on it, but my best friend and her World Race team also went on a prayer-walk around Bucharest. That country has been prayed for, prayed over, and prayed through. I firmly expect great things to happen. I don't know what great things, but they will happen.

To finish my novel, True. Started for NaNoWriMo, currently hating me for whatever reason. I will finish this novel if it kills me. I will conquer. And then have to edit it. Hey, nothing's perfect.

To blog at least once a week. I have been very remiss over the last several months in this respect. I apologize. I promise I will try to remedy this situation. There will be a blog post of some kind--whether a random musing, a deep idea, or just a "hey guys, I'm still alive,"--every week. Feel free to leave me angry comments if I fail.

I hope 2012 will shape up to be a great year for everyone. I know mine is looking like it will be amazing.

~Liberty (紫涵)

1 comment:

ee said...

I hope you accomplish all you've set out to do for 2012.:)